Asset Management FAQs

  • Can the fund source be split between multiple fund sources?

    You can use the Maintain Asset Shares task to split between multiple fund sources or other worktags.

  • After an asset is entered and the worktags approved, can the Asset Accountant go back in later to make any edits (cost, description, serial, depreciation, etc.)?

    You will be able to update the Asset after registration using the Asset related action. 

  • How do we assign room numbers?

    Room numbers can be captured in location as long as the location is set up or Memo field can be used.

  • Can an inventory be done by scanning barcodes?

    GA@WORK does not have barcode scanning utility for Assets. 

  • Can the Business Asset Accountant register and approve Assets?

    Yes, the Business Asset Accountant can register and approve Assets, but this will depend on Agency security configuration.