Banking & Settlement FAQs
Is there a dollar amount limit for Single Pay vouchers in GA@WORK?
The limit for Single Pay is $600.00.
Is the "ad hoc" transaction similar to using a clearing account?
Some of the “ad hoc” transactions will be similar to a clearing account. For example, for a supplier refund, the “ad hoc bank transaction” would go to an “unapplied supplier refund” account temporarily until the supplier refund is applied. However, items such as “ad hoc payments” will go directly to a spend category (expense account) for payroll garnishments and non-employee expenses. These are just two examples to illustrate that not all “ad hoc” transactions are similar to a clearing account.
Can you create multiple filters for the custom settlement run for different settlements, like AR and payroll?
Yes. You can create multiple filters. However, it is important you have the appropriate security role to run the Settlement Run (e.g. Payroll Settlement Specialist) or you will not be able to use the filter.
What is "Settlement Run"?
Settlement Run is similar to “paycycle” in legacy. This process will be used to “settle” transactions in GA@WORK. For example, any supplier invoices, miscellaneous payments, ad hoc payments, expenses, customer refunds, payroll, etc. The Settlement Run will display any eligible payments that are due for payment (based off of the filter or parameters—such as dates, payment types, etc.). You will see the detailed transactions to be settled and the total dollar amount. This process allows you to remove any transactions or change the bank account. Once the process has successfully completed, the transactions will be “settled” or paid and any files (checks, bank files) will be sent to the appropriate parties. Payment accounting entries will then be created.
Does this system eliminate the need to put supplier invoices on hold so they aren't scheduled for the check run?
Not necessarily. Although the Settlement Run allows a user to remove a payment that should not be processed, we still recommend putting supplier invoices on hold if they know at the time of entry that it should not be paid right away.
If a custom filter is not selected, will we still be responsible for running the Settlement Run for payments?
They will not automatically run in the system anymore. There will be a Settlement Specialist role that will be responsible to review/approve and run the Settlement Run.
What is the Payroll Settlement Specialist role, and will agencies be responsible for processing paychecks?
The Payroll Settlement Specialist role is needed to initiate the actual payroll payments to employees.Those payments work the same as all of our financial payments. Once the payroll process is completed, the settlement run must be initiated and completed by the Payroll Settlement Specialist in order for the information to go to the bank. The liability payments will be going through the spend side of GA@WORK, and that settlement run will be created by the Spend Settlement Specialist.
How are miscellaneous payments and ad hoc payments different?
Miscellaneous payments in GA@WORK are for single pay transactions and non-customer revenue returns. Ad hoc payments will be used for payroll garnishments and non-employee expenses. The main difference is that accounting entries are not created for ad hoc payments until the payment is generated.