GA@WORK Glossary
Glossary updated as of Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2024.
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Financial Terms
TeamWorks/PeopleSoft GA@WORK Definition Account Account
(Ledger Account)A Ledger Account provides budget and actual accounting information for the general ledger. These are the natural accounts that are used for the State's financial statements. Ledger Accounts should be stable and should not change year over year unless mandated by financial reporting requirements. Ledger accounts are managed by the State Accounting Office. A Ledger Account is associated with each revenue and spend category selected in a transaction. Account Transfer Journals Accounting Adjustment A business process in GA@WORK used to perform an adjustment on a previously processed financial transaction generated outside the General Ledger. Accounting Adjustment may be used to move funds from one worktag to another in order to correct transactions posted to the wrong worktag, or for other reasons such as correcting a spend category, revenue category, grant, gift or project. Activity Activity The Activity code is a custom worktag that can be used to track various activities for grant or other required reporting. Agency/Business Unit Company All entities identified as an Agency, Authority, Board of Regents College or Other Government Entity will be represented by a Company in GA@WORK. A Company is a permanent, self-balancing organization responsible for the oversight and administration of specific programs and services. AR Direct Journals Ad Hoc Bank Transactions A business process to record certain external cash transactions, such as after-the-fact cash deposits or bank fees. Available Budget Available Budget Sometimes referred to as “available balance,” the Available Budget is the amount of remaining budget available to spend, after subtracting actual expenditures, requisitions and purchase orders (POs). Budget Budget A Budget is a forecast of revenues and expenses for a specified time period such as a fiscal year, or the duration of a grant or project. Budgets also represent the approved dollar amount for spending, or an approved revenue target. Budget Check Budget Check Budget Check is used to determine if sufficient budget is available for a purchase or expenditure. Most financial transactions excluding payroll related expenses are Budget Checked. Budget Entry Type Budget Amendment Type Categorization of budget amendments, such as Original Budget, a Temporary Amendment, or a Permanent Amendment. Budget Exceptions/ Budget Errors Budget Exceptions Budget Exceptions are warnings or errors issued during the budget check process, which indicate if a transaction amount exceeds the available budget or when no budget exists. Budget Journal or Budget Transfer Budget Amendment Method to request a transfer of budget, by submitting requests for balanced budget amendments (increase equal decrease). Approval is required by the Office of Planning and Budget (OPB). Budget Reference Budget Reference The Budget Reference custom worktag will represent the year of appropriation. Budget vs. Actual (Variance) Report Budget vs. Actual (Variance) Report A report displaying the budget (plan), actuals, encumbrances and available budget remaining after actuals and encumbrances are subtracted. Capital Projects Project A Project is a scope of work with a distinct budget and a start and end date. Projects can be internal, capital or billable and may have multiple funding sources. Chart field values Worktags An FDM dimension that is used to facilitate/identify transactions and create financial reports. Chart of Accounts Account Summary (Ledger Account Summary) A grouping of related ledger accounts. For example: cleaning and office supplies may be grouped together under "supplies". Chart of Accounts Foundation Data Model (FDM) The legacy chart of accounts are known as chartfields. These values will be transitioned into values identified in the Foundation Data Model. The Foundation Data Model is separated into distinct dimensions or structures that are used for accounting and financial reporting and contains elements known as worktags. Credit Memo Credit Memo Customer invoice adjustment that decreases the amount due. A Supplier Credit Memo is a supplier invoice adjustment that decreases the amount owed to the supplier. Criteria Filter Used when viewing reports to limit view to only identified/desired data. Customer Invoice Adjustment Customer Invoice Adjustment A system adjustment made to increase or decrease the amount owed on a customer account. Database Tenant Unique instance with data separated in a database that is securely segregated through password-controlled access. Debit Memo Debit Memo Customer invoice adjustment that increases the amount due. A Supplier Debit Memo is a supplier invoice adjustment that increases the amount the supplier owes. Department Cost Center A Cost Center is a unit within a Company that contains budget and associated financial transactions. A Cost Center should have (1) a budget to manage, (2) a manager who is accountable for the budget and reviewing/approving spend against it, and (3) employees assigned to the unit (typical but there may be use cases where this is not the case). A Cost Center is not used to represent a project or a grant. Department Manager Cost Center Manager The manager responsible for approving financial and budget transactions within a cost center. Depreciation Profile Depreciation Profile Determines how an asset is depreciated and specifies the depreciation method and depreciation start date. Each resource category is assigned one Depreciation Profile, and each Resource Depreciation Profile is defaulted by its resource category. Detail Codes Revenue Category Revenue Categories are a new reporting functionality. Revenue Categories will be used to provide a granular view of revenues earned and recorded. Revenue Categories are grouped into hierarchies and mapped to revenue ledger accounts for financial reporting. Revenue Categories are required on all revenue transactions. These codes are used on customer contracts, billing, and accounts receivable that drive accounting. Employee Non-Travel Reimbursement/Travel Reimbursement/Non- Employee Travel Reimbursement Expense Report Method to submit reimbursement for travel or other work-related employee expense reimbursements. Fund Fund A fiscal and accounting entity that has a self-balancing set of accounts where cash and other financial resources, all related liabilities and residual equities, or balances, and changes therein, are recorded and segregated to carry on specific activities or attain certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions or limitations. Fund will be a balancing worktag. Examples of Fund include: budget fund, revenue collections fund, and custodial funds. Fund Source Appropriation/Fund Source The Appropriation/Fund Source worktag will identify legislative or executive authorization that permits agencies to incur expenditures and revenue for specific purposes from designated resources available or estimated to be available during a specific time period. Grant Projects Grant Any funds coming from a Sponsor/Grantor will be represented by a Grant in GA@WORK. Grants may fund projects and may be related or restricted to other worktags such as fund, cost center, or program. Grant worktags will be entered on every financial transaction associated with a grant award. Home (landing page) Home (landing page) Home is the GA@WORK default landing page, if enabled. Issued Dispatch Purchase orders that have been approved by and are issued to the Supplier. Journal Operational Journal The journals that GA@WORK creates automatically for operational transactions that you enter through the various GA@WORK transaction tasks. Ledger Books A Book represents a particular accounting schema and is built on a combination of book codes. Book codes are grouped together into Books for financial reporting. Manual Accounting Journals Accounting Journals Accounting Journals are manual journals that may be used to move funds from one FDM worktag to another in order to correct transactions posted to the wrong account, or for other reasons such as correcting a spend category, revenue category or to record a transaction.
Note: Accounting Journals are not to be confused with Manual Cash Journals, which are covered under a separate business process known as Ad Hoc Bank Transaction.
No Legacy Term Allocation Allocations are used to efficiently distribute a resource to one or more worktags based upon predefined logic. Examples may include overhead/F&A/Indirect costs, employer paid fringes, office space utilization, etc. No Legacy Term Award Overall information, such as various deliverables, award-specific budget, fiscal period, etc. relating to a grant or other money received from a Sponsor. No Legacy Term Budget Manager This security role has multiple functions, including the ability to enter and/or approve certain budget amendments. The amendment is routed to the Budget Office for final approval. No Legacy Term Budget Structure Criteria for building budget or forecast budgets. Types of Budget Structures include financial, staffing and position. Budget Structures can be configured to require approval, organized by FDM element (such as cost center), and updated with amendments. No Legacy Term Business Process Definition A predefined series of tasks necessary to perform a business function, including associated roles (users). No Legacy Term Business Process Security Policy A Business Process Security Policy secures the initiation step, step actions and process-wide actions including view, rescind, cancel and correct. It specifies which security groups have access to each action. No Legacy Term Dashboard (landing pages) Several dashboards are delivered with a number of worklets (report-specific tiles), which are pre-configured to a specific functional area. No Legacy Term Drilldown Reports allowing users to view the underlying data. Appears when users click on a drillable element (in a table view or a column, line, or pie segment in the chart view). In certain reports, the user may also select details associated with the selected report element. No Legacy Term Driver Worktag Derive certain related worktag values within GA@WORK, such as grants and projects. No Legacy Term Enterprise Interface Builder (EIB) An integration tool that enables users to create simple, secure, and customizable integrations into GA@WORK. An EIB consists of integration system, an integration data source, and integration transformation and integration transport protocol. No Legacy Term Expense Items Provides additional detail of travel and reimbursable expense activity that maps (usually in summary) to spend category. Expense items are used in spend authorizations and expense reports. No Legacy Term Program A Program will be used to capture activities that may or may not have a unique budget and do not have a designated start and end date but needs spend (and potentially revenue) tracked for reporting and/or approval purposes. Programs may represent initiatives or ongoing activities, recurring or annual events, or one-time events. No Legacy Term Related (Inherited) Worktags Related Worktags may be used to further define reportable elements on a financial transaction and may be used to meet reporting needs. Some worktags may be associated with the driver worktag. These worktags will populate automatically (default) upon input of a driver worktag. No Legacy Term Role-Based Security Role-based access is assigned to the position (and not directly to the user). No Legacy Term Sponsor An entity that funds the grant. No Legacy Term To-Dos To-Dos are reminders to perform a task in the GA@WORK system. To-Dos may be part of business processes and must be marked complete before the workflow will proceed to the next step on the business process. No Legacy Term User-Based Security User-based roles are assigned directly to a user for administrative and setup tasks. Optional Chartfields Custom Worktags To capture additional data for reporting, control or reconciliation. Payment Category Payment Category A payment classification: e.g. supplier payments, expense payments, and payroll payments. Payment Election Payment Election Workers elect how to receive payroll and expense payments by setting up pay types (such as check or direct deposit) and amounts for each bank account. State of Georgia workers are encouraged to set up electronic Payment Elections for payroll and expense payments. Pre-Encumbrances and Encumbrances Commitments and Obligations Commitments and Obligations represent requisitions and purchase orders, which encumber the appropriate amount on a budget, and reduce the available budget for future purchases. Procurement Spend Categories
Category Account Cross Map
Spend Category A Spend Category provides a detailed view of what goods or services are being purchased. Spend Categories will be grouped into hierarchies for ease of reporting, will have their intended usage indicated, will be marked as trackable or non-trackable and will be linked with the appropriate commodity codes. Spend Categories are associated with specific expense accounts. Program Cost Center Hierarchy The cost centers will be grouped into Cost Center Hierarchies for reporting and budget control purposes as well as for security assignments. The Cost Center Hierarchies will match the legal level of budgetary control (by appropriated program). Quick Invoice Create Supplier Invoice Request Request for payment for goods or services that do not require a purchase order (e.g., registrations, payroll, utilities, etc.) Receiving Create Receipt Confirmation of receipt of goods or services performed. Requisition Create Requisition Request for a purchase of goods or services. Role-Based Security Group Role-Based Security Group User permissions that define ability to perform tasks, access reports, and use business processes. Settlement Run Settlement Run A group of approved transactions (such as supplier invoices or ad hoc supplier payments) that are ready for payment and triggers next steps (i.e., releases the payments). Special Purpose Special Purpose The Special Purpose Code is used heavily by certain agencies to track various types of items. A custom organization for Special Purpose Code will be grouped into hierarchies for each type of code to be used by the appropriate agencies for their tracking and reporting purposes. Supplier Invoice Adjustment Supplier Invoice Adjustment A change to the amount owed to a supplier, which may be reflected as an increase or a decrease in the amount due. Task Task Requires users to perform a function or Task (the user must take an action such as approve, submit, or send back) to clear a Task Alert. User-Based Security Group User-Based Security Group Workers are defined as members in User-Based Security Groups. When used in a security policy, the group grants members access to the securable items. Voucher Supplier Invoice Supplier Invoices are vouchered in the Accounts Payable module and may be generated from a purchase order or supplier invoice request. Supplier invoices may require approvals generated through workflow. -
Procurement Terms
PROCUREMENT TeamWorks/PeopleSoft GA@WORK Definition Account Account
(Ledger Account)A Ledger Account provides budget and actual accounting information for the general ledger. These are the natural accounts that are used for the State's financial statements. Ledger Accounts should be stable and should not change year over year unless mandated by financial reporting requirements. Ledger accounts are managed by the State Accounting Office. A Ledger Account is associated with each revenue and spend category selected in a transaction. Activity Activity The Activity code is a custom worktag that can be used to track various activities for grant or other required reporting. Ad hoc Document Request or Questionnaire Online form used to gather additional information. In TeamWorks, the ad hoc document created was attached to the requisition and routed for approval. In Workday, the request may be routed for approval and a questionnaire may be included in the business process and included in the approval process. Agency/Business Unit Company All entities identified as an Agency, Authority, Board of Regents College or Other Government Entity will be represented by a Company in GA@WORK. A Company is a permanent, self-balancing organization responsible for the oversight and administration of specific programs and services. Amount only flag Service line Requisition and Purchase Order lines are separated in Workday by goods lines that are ordered by quantity and service lines that are ordered by amount. There is not a need to select an amount only flag. Budget Reference Budget Reference The Budget Reference custom worktag will represent the year of appropriation. Capital Projects Project A Project is a scope of work with a distinct budget and a start and end date. Projects can be internal, capital or billable and may have multiple funding sources. Category Code Commodity Code Commodity codes will be NIGP (National Institute of Governmental Purchasing) codes to designate what goods and services are being procured. The State of Georgia will continue to categorize procurement documents at the 5 digit NIGP code.
Chart field values Worktags An FDM dimension that is used to facilitate/identify transactions and create financial reports. Chart of Accounts Foundation Data Model (FDM) The legacy chart of accounts are known as chartfields. These values will be transitioned into values identified in the Foundation Data Model. The Foundation Data Model is separated into distinct dimensions or structures that are used for accounting and financial reporting and contains elements known as worktags. Contract Style Contract Type Determines how a contract is classified and used. Examples include Statewide Contract, Agency Goods Contract, and Agency Services Contract. Credit Memo Credit Memo Customer invoice adjustment that decreases the amount due. A Supplier Credit Memo is a supplier invoice adjustment that decreases the amount owed to the supplier. Criteria Filter Used when viewing reports to limit view to only identified/desired data. Database Tenant Unique instance with data separated in a database that is securely segregated through password-controlled access. Department Cost Center A Cost Center is a unit within a Company that contains budget and associated financial transactions. A Cost Center should have (1) a budget to manage, (2) a manager who is accountable for the budget and reviewing/approving spend against it, and (3) employees assigned to the unit (typical but there may be use cases where this is not the case). A Cost Center is not used to represent a project or a grant. Department Manager Cost Center Manager The manager responsible for approving financial and budget transactions within a cost center. Dispatch Issue Step on a purchase order to send the PO to the supplier. The status will be "Issued" in Workday compared to "Dispatched" in TeamWorks. DOAS IT
Company AdminA licensed user that has as full control over all information and data contained within a company. Fund Source Appropriation/Fund Source The Appropriation/Fund Source worktag will identify legislative or executive authorization that permits agencies to incur expenditures and revenue for specific purposes from designated resources available or estimated to be available during a specific time period. Grant Projects Grant Any funds coming from a Sponsor/Grantor will be represented by a Grant in GA@WORK. Grants may fund projects and may be related or restricted to other worktags such as fund, cost center, or program. Grant worktags will be entered on every financial transaction associated with a grant award. Home (landing page) Home (landing page) Home is the GA@WORK default landing page, if enabled. Issued Dispatch Purchase orders that have been approved by and are issued to the Supplier. No Legacy Term Allocation Allocations are used to efficiently distribute a resource to one or more worktags based upon predefined logic. Examples may include overhead/F&A/Indirect costs, employer paid fringes, office space utilization, etc. No Legacy Term Business Process Definition A predefined series of tasks necessary to perform a business function, including associated roles (users). No Legacy Term Business Process Security Policy A Business Process Security Policy secures the initiation step, step actions and process-wide actions including view, rescind, cancel and correct. It specifies which security groups have access to each action. No Legacy Term Custom Validations Allow defining validation logic to control data quality on financial or procurement transactions. For example, a custom validation might ensure that a supplier invoice transaction includes both a cost center and region Worktag but only if a specific company is selected.
Custom validation examples include:
• Warn users when entering invalid transactions
• Prevent users from submitting invalid transactions
• Alert transaction approvers to conditions that need more careful reviewNo Legacy Term Dashboard (landing pages) Several dashboards are delivered with a number of worklets (report-specific tiles), which are pre-configured to a specific functional area. No Legacy Term Drilldown Reports allowing users to view the underlying data. Appears when users click on a drillable element (in a table view or a column, line, or pie segment in the chart view). In certain reports, the user may also select details associated with the selected report element. No Legacy Term Driver Worktag Derive certain related worktag values within GA@WORK, such as grants and projects. No Legacy Term Enterprise Interface Builder (EIB) An integration tool that enables users to create simple, secure, and customizable integrations into GA@WORK. An EIB consists of integration system, an integration data source, and integration transformation and integration transport protocol. No Legacy Term Program A Program will be used to capture activities that may or may not have a unique budget and do not have a designated start and end date but needs spend (and potentially revenue) tracked for reporting and/or approval purposes. Programs may represent initiatives or ongoing activities, recurring or annual events, or one-time events. No Legacy Term Related (Inherited) Worktags Related Worktags may be used to further define reportable elements on a financial transaction and may be used to meet reporting needs. Some worktags may be associated with the driver worktag. These worktags will populate automatically (default) upon input of a driver worktag. No Legacy Term Requisition Type Used to identify requisitions for approval routing. Examples include Contract, IT, Vehicle, and Sole Source. No Legacy Term Role-Based Security Role-based access is assigned to the position (and not directly to the user). No Legacy Term Spend Category When you set up expense items and purchase items, you assign a spend category. It is a classification in procurement that provides a logical grouping to search and report on acquired items and services. It can also be used to drive different accounting behavior as it is a dimension in account posting rule types used in procurement and spend management. No Legacy Term To-Dos To-Dos are reminders to perform a task in the GA@WORK system. To-Dos may be part of business processes and must be marked complete before the workflow will proceed to the next step on the business process. No Legacy Term User-Based Security User-based roles are assigned directly to a user for administrative and setup tasks. Optional Chartfields Custom Worktags To capture additional data for reporting, control or reconciliation. PeopleSoft - Sourcing Buyer
Jaggaer - Sourcing BuyerWSS
Sourcing ManagerA licensed user that has full control over all information and data contained within events, projects, and contracts that they've created. Peoplesoft - Not Used
Jaggaer - PanelistWSS
StakeholderNot a licensed user, but was invited to a specific event, project, or contract with set permissions. PO Type PO Type Used to classify and report on purchase orders. PO types of contracts must reference a contract id in the supplier contracts functional area. Examples include Open market purchases, Statewide Mandatory contracts, and Agency Contracts. Pre-Encumbrances and Encumbrances Commitments and Obligations Commitments and Obligations represent requisitions and purchase orders, which encumber the appropriate amount on a budget, and reduce the available budget for future purchases. Procurement Contract Supplier Contract Contract between state/agency and supplier for goods and/or services. Procurement Spend Categories
Category Account Cross Map
Spend Category A Spend Category provides a detailed view of what goods or services are being purchased. Spend Categories will be grouped into hierarchies for ease of reporting, will have their intended usage indicated, will be marked as trackable or non-trackable and will be linked with the appropriate commodity codes. Spend Categories are associated with specific expense accounts. Program Cost Center Hierarchy The cost centers will be grouped into Cost Center Hierarchies for reporting and budget control purposes as well as for security assignments. The Cost Center Hierarchies will match the legal level of budgetary control (by appropriated program). Quick Invoice Create Supplier Invoice Request Request for payment for goods or services that do not require a purchase order (e.g., registrations, payroll, utilities, etc.). Receiving Create Receipt Confirmation of receipt of goods and services in the system. Reconcile/Approve Pcard Transaction Verify Procurement Card Transaction The process for coding, accounting and approving procurement card transactions. Requisition Create Requisition Request for a purchase of goods and services. Requisition Selection Requisition Sourcing Console The area where buyers will search and select requisitions that need to be sourced to a Purchase Order or a contract.
Role-Based Security Group Role-Based Security Group User permissions that define ability to perform tasks, access reports, and use business processes. Special Purpose Special Purpose The Special Purpose Code is used heavily by certain agencies to track various types of items. A custom organization for Special Purpose Code will be grouped into hierarchies for each type of code to be used by the appropriate agencies for their tracking and reporting purposes. Special Request Requisition Request Non-Catalog Items Request for goods and services not in a current Team Georgia Marketplace catalog. Supplier Contracts and Strategic Sourcing WSS (Workday Strategic Sourcing) The functional area where sourcing events and contracts are initiated, posted, awarded and maintained Supplier Invoice Adjustment Supplier Invoice Adjustment A change to the amount owed to a supplier, which may be reflected as an increase or a decrease in the amount due. Task Task Requires users to perform a function or Task (the user must take an action such as approve, submit, or send back) to clear a Task Alert. User-Based Security Group User-Based Security Group Workers are defined as members in User-Based Security Groups. When used in a security policy, the group grants members access to the securable items. Various defaults at BU, Item Category etc levels Requisition Sourcing Rules Rules that can be setup based on various parameters on requisitions such as company, cost center, spend category, commodity codes etc, so that during sourcing the appropriate buyer is populated into the PO. Vendor Location - ordering Supplier Connections - Order From Connections Supplier Connections determine the PO ordering address or email address of the supplier where the purchase order will be sent. Voucher Supplier Invoice Supplier Invoices are vouchered in the Accounts Payable module and may be generated from a purchase order or supplier invoice request. Supplier invoices may require approvals generated through workflow. Web: Browser Supplier websites (punch-out catalogs) Connect to Supplier Website Request for goods from a directly-linked supplier’s website (e.g. W.B. Mason, Grainger, etc.). -
HCM Terms
TeamWorks/PeopleSoft GA@WORK Definition Absence Time Time Off Reported time that is not worked. Common types of Time Off include sick leave, jury duty, and vacation. Academic Institution Academic Unit A Workday organization type that represents a school, college, university, or other unit of your institution. These units can recruit prospective students, admit students, offer programs of study or courses, or administer financial aid. Academic units are also used with academic appointments in Workday. Academic Unit Hierarchy Academic Unit Hierarchy Hierarchical grouping of academic units primarily used for roll-up reporting. Account Account
(Ledger Account)A Ledger Account provides budget and actual accounting information for the general ledger. These are the natural accounts that are used for the State's financial statements. Ledger Accounts should be stable and should not change year over year unless mandated by financial reporting requirements. Ledger accounts are managed by the State Accounting Office. A Ledger Account is associated with each revenue and spend category selected in a transaction. Activity Activity The Activity code is a custom worktag that can be used to track various activities for grant or other required reporting. Agency Organization An organization refers to a grouping used to organize people, resources, workers, and other organizations. Organizations provide management, visibility into, and reporting (roll-up) structures for resource allocation. Organizations can be defined for application uses like defining departmental hierarchies, project teams, etc. They can also be used to define cost centers and geographic or regional reporting structures. Agency/Business Unit Company All entities identified as an Agency, Authority, Board of Regents College or Other Government Entity will be represented by a Company in GA@WORK. A Company is a permanent, self-balancing organization responsible for the oversight and administration of specific programs and services. Applicant Active Candidate A person who submitted an application for a specific job requisition. Candidates must be linked to a job requisition for Workday to initiate a job application event. Auto - Fill Auto - Fill A time entry option that copies time blocks from a worker's schedule or from a previous week when entering time. Benefit Defaulting Rule Benefit Defaulting Rule Identifies the benefit plans, coverage targets, and coverage amounts that employees receive by default when they do not complete an enrollment event. Budget Reference Budget Reference The Budget Reference custom worktag will represent the year of appropriation. Budget vs. Actual (Variance) Report Budget vs. Actual (Variance) Report A report displaying the budget (plan), actuals, encumbrances and available budget remaining after actuals and encumbrances are subtracted. Calculated Time Calculated Time Result of applying time calculations to a worker's reported time. Automates application of company or regulatory rules. Calculation Time Calculation A set of rules to apply time calculation tags to calculated time blocks for Payroll or other purposes. For example, a time calculation could be created to automatically convert regular hours into overtime hours if a worker works more than 40 hours in a week. Calendar Based Time Entry Calendar Based Time Entry A time entry method that uses the time entry calendar as the focal point for entering, editing, and submitting time. Candidate Candidate Candidates include both prospective and active candidates. Candidate Pre-Hire Used in Staffing to identify individuals being tracked prior to employment. Used in Recruiting to identify candidates who are in the Offer or Background Check stage. Candidate Pipeline Candidate Pipeline All active candidates. Candidate Pool Candidate Pool Candidates grouped together based on specific criteria. Capital Projects Project A Project is a scope of work with a distinct budget and a start and end date. Projects can be internal, capital or billable and may have multiple funding sources. Cascading Leave Cascading Leave A sequence of related leave types that are linked together. When an employee meets the conditions defined for ending a period of leave, Workday generates a return from leave request and a separate request for the next period of leave. Chart field values Worktags An FDM dimension that is used to facilitate/identify transactions and create financial reports. Chart of Accounts Account Summary (Ledger Account Summary) A grouping of related ledger accounts. For example: cleaning and office supplies may be grouped together under "supplies". Chart of Accounts Foundation Data Model (FDM) The legacy chart of accounts are known as chartfields. These values will be transitioned into values identified in the Foundation Data Model. The Foundation Data Model is separated into distinct dimensions or structures that are used for accounting and financial reporting and contains elements known as worktags. Clock Integration Time Clock Event A time clock event describes a worker's actions, such as a check-in or check-out, on the web time clock or an external collection system. Workday matches time clock events to form time blocks, which workers can edit and submit using the time entry calendar. Comp Rate Code Compensation Basis A user-defined grouping of compensation components such as the sum of salary, allowance, commission, bonus, future payment, stock and retirement savings plans. Workday enables users to specify which compensation plans should be included in the compensation basis calculation. This calculation can be used to view employee compensation in Workday and in the bonus process to provide target pools and individual target amounts. Compensation Compensation Step A specific monetary amount within a grade or grade profile. Steps defined on a grade profile override any steps defined on the grade. Compensation Component Compensation Component The umbrella term for compensation packages, grades, grade profiles, and plans. Compensation Defaulting Rule Compensation Defaulting Rule Establishes the criteria for how compensation components default to worker compensation during staffing transactions (hire, promote, demote, transfer). Compensation defaulting rules ease data entry by automatically defaulting compensation components (packages, grades, grade profiles, and plans) to worker compensation for employees who meet the rule's eligibility requirements. Criteria Filter Used when viewing reports to limit view to only identified/desired data. Database Tenant Unique instance with data separated in a database that is securely segregated through password-controlled access. Day Breaker Day Breaker The time of day at which a worker's work day and work week begins. Defines the 24-hour period over which daily time calculations execute and the 168-hour period over which weekly time calculations execute. Unless otherwise specified, the default day breaker is 12 a.m. (midnight). Department Cost Center A Cost Center is a unit within a Company that contains budget and associated financial transactions. A Cost Center should have (1) a budget to manage, (2) a manager who is accountable for the budget and reviewing/approving spend against it, and (3) employees assigned to the unit (typical but there may be use cases where this is not the case). A Cost Center is not used to represent a project or a grant. Department Manager Cost Center Manager The manager responsible for approving financial and budget transactions within a cost center. Disposition Disposition Status of candidates who have been rejected for hire or declined a job during the job application event. Earnings Code Compensation Element The smallest unit of compensation for a worker in a specific position. Workday uses compensation elements to determine the amount, currency, frequency, and other attributes of a worker’s compensation. Compensation elements are linked to compensation plans. For example, Base Pay, Car Allown elements do not need to be grouped, and groups are optional, and Commission can be mapped to any compensation plan, but not to merit plans. Payroll earning codes linked to a compensation element allow Workday Payroll and Payroll Interface to include the applicable compensation in payroll. A Compensation Element Group is a collection of compensation elements. For example, the group Standard Base Pay can comprise multiple compensation elements. Earnings Program Compensation Rule Guidelines for determining which workers are eligible for which components of compensation. Elapsed Time Time Block A time block carries information about a portion of time, such as the number of hours worked or in/out times. Time blocks can be reported or calculated, but only calculated time blocks are pulled into Workday Payroll. Eligibility Rule Eligibility Rule Specify one or more criteria that categorizes workers into a group that is used to qualify them for participation in an HR-related task. For example:
Benefit plan
Compensation plan
Employee reviewEmployee Life Coverage Multiplier-Based Coverage Insurance coverage based on multiples of salary, for example, 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, or 6x salary. Employee Non-Travel Reimbursement/Travel Reimbursement/Non- Employee Travel Reimbursement Expense Report Method to submit reimbursement for travel or other work-related employee expense reimbursements. Full Position Management (from Position Management Option) Position Management Staffing Model One of the three staffing models available. It provides the tightest control over hiring, as it specifies different staffing rules and restrictions for each position. Fund Source Appropriation/Fund Source The Appropriation/Fund Source worktag will identify legislative or executive authorization that permits agencies to incur expenditures and revenue for specific purposes from designated resources available or estimated to be available during a specific time period. Grant Projects Grant Any funds coming from a Sponsor/Grantor will be represented by a Grant in GA@WORK. Grants may fund projects and may be related or restricted to other worktags such as fund, cost center, or program. Grant worktags will be entered on every financial transaction associated with a grant award. Headcount Headcount Plan A Headcount Plan forecasts the number of workers necessary to achieve business goals in a specified period of time. This is a foundational component of workforce planning. Headcount Plans can be created with different statistic types, dimensions, and time frames; link to financial budgets; and pre-populate Headcount Plan data. Headcount Plan reports provide details on whether organizations are hiring to plan, if headcount is allocated correctly, and if the right workforce is in place to support business goals. Home (landing page) Home (landing page) Home is the GA@WORK default landing page, if enabled. Job Code Catalog Job Catalog The collection of user-defined job family groups, which each contain job families. Available for use in hiring and other staffing transactions. Job Category (EEO) Job Classification (Group) Job classifications are required for many kinds of job-related regulatory reporting and can be used to categorize job profiles. A job classification group is the means by which individual job classifications are grouped and maintained. Job Code / Job Profile Job Profile Defines generic features and characteristics—such as company insider type, pay rate type, and competencies and proficiencies—of a job and of a position that uses that profile. The more specifically defined a job profile is, the more specifically defined those jobs and positions will be, by default. Job profiles are the most specific element in the job catalog. Job profiles make up job families, which make up job family groups. Job Family Job Family (Group) A grouping of job profiles, which in turn may be assigned to a job family group, so job profiles can be organized to an organization's specifications. Leave Plan Leave Family A set of similar leave of absence types. For example, a company-specific family might include disability leave and bereavement leave, while a separate regulatory family might include jury duty, family medical leave act (FMLA), and similar leaves. Workday displays the leave family name as a category of leave types for requesters to select from when entering leave requests. Leave Plan Enrollment Leave of Absence Rule Can be used to define worker eligibility for leaves of absence and to define validations that prevent users from submitting invalid leave requests. Leave Type Leave Type Defines rules that apply to a specific type of leave of absence, such as jury duty or FMLA. Identifies the leave of absence family and unit of time for leave requests. It can also identify employee eligibility rules for requesting a leave, validation rules for preventing invalid requests, whether to track entitlement balances, and other options. Leave Type Time Off Type Names a type of time off users can request, such as Sick Time or Vacation. This is the name users see when entering a time off request. A time off type can be associated with more than one time off. Manager Level Job Level (Hierarchy) Categorizes job profiles and their associated jobs and positions based on compensable factors such as level of education, experience, or training required to perform a job. Job profiles are assigned job levels, and those job levels are organized into a hierarchy. No Legacy Equivalent Payroll Effect An option available in Workday Absence Management to stop paying workers while on leave. Can be configured as a run category to pay workers on certain leave types when the Payroll Effect option is enabled for the leave type. No Legacy Term Allocation Allocations are used to efficiently distribute a resource to one or more worktags based upon predefined logic. Examples may include overhead/F&A/Indirect costs, employer paid fringes, office space utilization, etc. No Legacy Term Business Process Definition A predefined series of tasks necessary to perform a business function, including associated roles (users). No Legacy Term Business Process Security Policy A Business Process Security Policy secures the initiation step, step actions and process-wide actions including view, rescind, cancel and correct. It specifies which security groups have access to each action. No Legacy Term Dashboard (landing pages) Several dashboards are delivered with a number of worklets (report-specific tiles), which are pre-configured to a specific functional area. No Legacy Term Deny Certain business processes allow for Denying a proposed action. When the action is Denied, the business process does not proceed to the next step, and generally the entire business process will end. No Legacy Term Drilldown Reports allowing users to view the underlying data. Appears when users click on a drillable element (in a table view or a column, line, or pie segment in the chart view). In certain reports, the user may also select details associated with the selected report element. No Legacy Term Driver Worktag Derive certain related worktag values within GA@WORK, such as grants and projects. No Legacy Term Enterprise Interface Builder (EIB) An integration tool that enables users to create simple, secure, and customizable integrations into GA@WORK. An EIB consists of integration system, an integration data source, and integration transformation and integration transport protocol. No Legacy Term Expense Items Provides additional detail of travel and reimbursable expense activity that maps (usually in summary) to spend category. Expense items are used in spend authorizations and expense reports. No Legacy Term Program A Program will be used to capture activities that may or may not have a unique budget and do not have a designated start and end date but needs spend (and potentially revenue) tracked for reporting and/or approval purposes. Programs may represent initiatives or ongoing activities, recurring or annual events, or one-time events. No Legacy Term Related (Inherited) Worktags Related Worktags may be used to further define reportable elements on a financial transaction and may be used to meet reporting needs. Some worktags may be associated with the driver worktag. These worktags will populate automatically (default) upon input of a driver worktag. No Legacy Term To-Dos To-Dos are reminders to perform a task in the GA@WORK system. To-Dos may be part of business processes and must be marked complete before the workflow will proceed to the next step on the business process. No Legacy Term Compensation Package A component of pay that you use to assign monetary amounts to a worker's pay. For example, a salary, an allowance, or a bonus.
Some compensation plans such as a commission, are discretionary. Employees are not paid from these compensation plans in every paycheck. By contrast, other plans such as salary plans, are included in every paycheck.No Legacy Term Enrollment Event Rule Defines coverage start and end dates, waiting periods, coverage increase limits, Evidence of Insurability requirements, and other coverage rules and conditions. This ensures that the benefits process presents only the options for which each employee is eligible based on the event type.
Defined at the benefit group, enrollment event, and benefit type levels.No Legacy Term Grade Profile A breakdown of a compensation grade by functional task, geographical region, or other required categorization. A profile allows users to assign more granular compensation ranges to workers. No Legacy Term Individual Target Either an Individual Target assigned to a worker in worker compensation (different from the plan target) or the target for each employee calculated by Workday during the bonus or merit process, based on configuration options. No Legacy Term Passive Event Events that result from the passage of time rather than from a specific change to employee data.
For example, a passive event can be established to track and manage benefit eligibility for employees who reach the age of 65 (retirement age). Based on the event rules, Workday automatically searches for employees turning 65 and generates an enrollment event to record any benefit gains or losses.No Legacy Term Quick Add A time entry option that enables creation of a time block to copy to multiple days in a week. No Legacy Term Staffing Organization An organization category that includes supervisory organizations, matrix organizations, or retiree organizations. No Legacy Term Termination Adjustment A time off adjustment that automatically sets the remaining balance of a worker's time off plan to zero upon the worker's termination. No Legacy Term Time Calculation Tag Workday applies calculation tags to time blocks during time calculations. The tags map to payroll earnings to drive how time blocks are paid and can be included in time off and accrual calculations. They can be used to display time and time off totals on the time entry calendar. No Legacy Term Related Calculation A calculation that returns a value, such as hours, rate, or percent, that can be used to resolve earnings and deductions, to display on pay results, or for other calculation purposes.
See also: pay component related calculation.No Position Management (from Position Management Option) Job Management Staffing Model One of the three staffing models available. It provides the least control over the definition of individual positions: the hiring restrictions defined apply to all jobs in the supervisory organization, and only one set of hiring restrictions can be defined per organization. In addition, with job management, specific limits are not set on the number of jobs that can be filled.
This model is particularly useful for organizations that prefer to define broad job requirements and rely on staffing workflows and approvals to control the number of workers in a supervisory organization.Off Cycle Check On Demand Payment An off cycle payment that replaces, or is issued in addition to, a worker's on-cycle pay. Optional Chartfields Custom Worktags To capture additional data for reporting, control or reconciliation. Pay Calendar Pay Run Group A set of pay groups that share a period schedule. Used to process multiple pay groups at the same time. Pay Component Pay Component Group A collection or combination of related earnings, deductions, or pay component related calculations that are combined to simplify payroll calculations. Workday provides several pay component groups, such as Employer-Paid Benefits, Pre-Tax Deductions, and Federal Taxable Wages which can be modified. Tenanted pay component groups, such as 401(k) Eligible Wages can be created. Pay Run Run Category A scheduled payroll run. Payrun ID Run Category Defines a type of payroll run, such as regular or bonus. Specifies criteria for processing employees by status (Active, Terminated, On Leave), components to calculate automatically for on cycle and off cycle runs, whether a supplemental tax rate applies and other details. Run categories are assigned to pay groups. Payable Time Reported Time A worker's time that has been entered onto the time entry calendar but has not had any time calculations applied. Payment Election Payment Election Workers elect how to receive payroll and expense payments by setting up pay types (such as check or direct deposit) and amounts for each bank account. State of Georgia workers are encouraged to set up electronic Payment Elections for payroll and expense payments. Person of Interest (POI) Prospect Someone you are interested in tracking who isn't associated with a specific job. Tags, prospect types, and prospect statuses can be used to help track these individuals. Position Management Option Staffing Model Defines how jobs and positions are created and filled in a supervisory organization. Workday supports two kinds of staffing models:
1. Job Management
2. Position ManagementProcurement Spend Categories
Category Account Cross Map
Spend Category A Spend Category provides a detailed view of what goods or services are being purchased. Spend Categories will be grouped into hierarchies for ease of reporting, will have their intended usage indicated, will be marked as trackable or non-trackable and will be linked with the appropriate commodity codes. Spend Categories are associated with specific expense accounts. Program Cost Center Hierarchy The cost centers will be grouped into Cost Center Hierarchies for reporting and budget control purposes as well as for security assignments. The Cost Center Hierarchies will match the legal level of budgetary control (by appropriated program). Proration Rule Time Proration Rule Prorates employees' target compensation in a bonus or merit increase compensation event according to time-based criteria such as leave of absence or time since hire. Qualifying Event Benefit Event An event in the employee's life that gives the employee the opportunity to change benefit elections. These include staffing changes such as getting hired or promoted, but also life events such as getting married or having a new child. Qualifying Event or Special Enrollment Event Benefit Event Type Identifies the events that trigger benefit enrollment such as open enrollment, new hires, or the birth of a child. It also identifies the coverage types to make available to employees for when an event of this type occurs. Qualifying Life Event Life Event A kind of benefit event that occurs in the employee's personal life, for example, getting married or having a child. Role-Based Security Group Role-Based Security Group User permissions that define ability to perform tasks, access reports, and use business processes. Salary Administration Plans Compensation Plan A component of pay that you use to assign monetary amounts to a worker's pay. For example, a salary, an allowance, or a bonus.
Some compensation plans such as a commission, are discretionary. Employees are not paid from these compensation plans in every paycheck. By contrast, other plans such as salary plans, are included in every paycheck.Salary Range Reference Pay Range A range of pay deemed appropriate for a compensation grade or grade profile. During compensation transactions, if proposed compensation for an employee extends beyond the limits of the range for the employee's grade or grade profile, Workday issues a warning yet still permits submission of the proposed compensation. Shift Time Shift A grouping of consecutive time blocks that can be used in standard overtime calculations, time block conditional calculations, and validations. Special Off Cycle Pay Calendar Related Calculation An unscheduled payroll run, such as manual, on demand, or reversal. Enables issuance of additional or replacement payments. Special Purpose Special Purpose The Special Purpose Code is used heavily by certain agencies to track various types of items. A custom organization for Special Purpose Code will be grouped into hierarchies for each type of code to be used by the appropriate agencies for their tracking and reporting purposes. Task Task Requires users to perform a function or Task (the user must take an action such as approve, submit, or send back) to clear a Task Alert. Time Code Time Code Group The primary use of time code groups is to determine which time entry codes a worker is eligible for. Time code groups are assigned to a worker or to a position via eligibility rules. Time Entry Validation Time Entry Validation Errors or warnings that prevent users from entering invalid time. Critical validations prevent a user from submitting time. Warnings appear on the time entry calendar but don't prevent the user from submitting time. Time Period Time Period Schedule A time period schedule defines which dates are available for entry at a given time and defines which dates will be paid in which pay periods. They can line up with pay periods, or, in more complex scenarios, they can be paid on a lag. Time Reporting Code Time Entry Code A time entry code describes the type of time a worker enters, such as worked time or meal allowance. In order to use time entry codes, they must be attached to time code groups, with the exception of the default time entry code assigned to a time entry template. Time Reporting Code Time Type Describes the time a worker enters onto his or her time entry calendar. Workers can include time entry codes, projects, and time off. Time Sheet Time Entry Calendar A set of self-service pages that workers use to enter, edit, and view time. User-Based Security Group User-Based Security Group Workers are defined as members in User-Based Security Groups. When used in a security policy, the group grants members access to the securable items. -
Cross Application Terms
TeamWorks/PeopleSoft GA@WORK Definition Account Account
(Ledger Account)A Ledger Account provides budget and actual accounting information for the general ledger. These are the natural accounts that are used for the State's financial statements. Ledger Accounts should be stable and should not change year over year unless mandated by financial reporting requirements. Ledger accounts are managed by the State Accounting Office. A Ledger Account is associated with each revenue and spend category selected in a transaction. Activity Activity The Activity code is a custom worktag that can be used to track various activities for grant or other required reporting. Agency/Business Unit Company All entities identified as an Agency, Authority, Board of Regents College or Other Government Entity will be represented by a Company in GA@WORK. A Company is a permanent, self-balancing organization responsible for the oversight and administration of specific programs and services. Assignable Roles Assignable Roles Users may assign positions to organization roles. Depending on the staffing model, a position may or may not necessarily have a worker specified. Budget Reference Budget Reference The Budget Reference custom worktag will represent the year of appropriation. Business Object Business Object A digital container that stores and organizes specific data relevant to your business. They can hold various data types, from basic text and numbers to more complex information like addresses, relationships, and financial details.
Examples include workers, positions, organizations, jobs, benefits, assets, and financials.Business Object Primary Business Object When defining a report, the primary business object is the business object returned by the data source. Business Process Business Process Definition The set of tasks that need to be completed for an event to occur, the order in which they must be done, and who must do them. Workday includes a number of predefined business processes for different purposes. Users can edit the default definitions for the organization and
create different versions of the same business process for different organizations.
Capital Projects Project A Project is a scope of work with a distinct budget and a start and end date. Projects can be internal, capital or billable and may have multiple funding sources. Chart field values Worktags An FDM dimension that is used to facilitate/identify transactions and create financial reports. Chart of Accounts Account Summary (Ledger Account Summary) A grouping of related ledger accounts. For example: cleaning and office supplies may be grouped together under "supplies". Chart of Accounts Foundation Data Model (FDM) The legacy chart of accounts are known as chartfields. These values will be transitioned into values identified in the Foundation Data Model. The Foundation Data Model is separated into distinct dimensions or structures that are used for accounting and financial reporting and contains elements known as worktags. Conditions Conditions One or more logical steps that are resolved to" True" or "False" statements and are used to determine if an action is necessary. For example, users may add conditions to a business process step to determine if the step should performed. Credit Memo Credit Memo Customer invoice adjustment that decreases the amount due. A Supplier Credit Memo is a supplier invoice adjustment that decreases the amount owed to the supplier. Criteria Filter Used when viewing reports to limit view to only identified/desired data. Custom Report Custom Report Reports that may be created using Workday Report writer. Users may use existing reports to copy or create new custom reports. Dashboard Dashboard A customizable workspace designed to bring together various data points and reports visually, providing a snapshot of an organization's performance and key metrics. Dashboard (landing pages) Dashboard (landing pages) Several dashboards are delivered with a number of worklets pre-configured that are specific to a functional area, like Talent Management or Workforce Planning. Since these worklets are built with the report writer and report-specific calculated fields, users may copy and modify the field for unique reporting requirements. Users may add additional custom worklets to these dashboards using the report writer. Data Source Data Source Defines a particular set of business object instances for reporting purposes. A data source is similar to a database view, except it is more flexible in two key areas. First, a database view always returns a flattened out tabular data structure, whereas a data source can return hierarchical data structures. Second, a database view requires that technical staff manually join related tables together, while a data source automatically allows reportable access to all business objects related to those in the data source. Data Sources Report Data Sources Predefined groups of logically related fields, used when creating reports with Report Writer, which define the data in the report row. For example, the report data source “Employees” contains contact information, personal data, and identification information. Report data sources also include which roles have access to see the report data. Database Tenant Unique instance with data separated in a database that is securely segregated through password-controlled access. Department Cost Center A Cost Center is a unit within a Company that contains budget and associated financial transactions. A Cost Center should have (1) a budget to manage, (2) a manager who is accountable for the budget and reviewing/approving spend against it, and (3) employees assigned to the unit (typical but there may be use cases where this is not the case). A Cost Center is not used to represent a project or a grant. Department Manager Cost Center Manager The manager responsible for approving financial and budget transactions within a cost center. Drilldown Links Related Links Links to external web pages which are displayed to staff within a business process, and may be used for reference. Fund Source Appropriation/Fund Source The Appropriation/Fund Source worktag will identify legislative or executive authorization that permits agencies to incur expenditures and revenue for specific purposes from designated resources available or estimated to be available during a specific time period. Grant Projects Grant Any funds coming from a Sponsor/Grantor will be represented by a Grant in GA@WORK. Grants may fund projects and may be related or restricted to other worktags such as fund, cost center, or program. Grant worktags will be entered on every financial transaction associated with a grant award. Home (landing page) Home (landing page) Home is the GA@WORK default landing page, if enabled. Interface Enterprise Interface Builder An integration tool that enables users to create simple, secure, and customizable integrations into Workday. This includes an integration system, an integration data source, and integration transformation and integration transport protocol. Integration Integration Triggers a Workday system operation that transfers data to or from an external application. Issued Dispatch Purchase orders that have been approved by and are issued to the Supplier. Module Functional Business Area A collection of domain or business process security policies that are related to the same set of product features. Examples include AP, Compensation, AR and Benefits. No Legacy Term Advanced Report Users may create three types of custom reports: simple, advanced, and matrix. An advanced report provides all the features of a simple report, plus more advanced features such as accessing related business objects and producing multiple levels of headings and subtotals. Advanced reports also enable the use of sub-filters, run time prompts, charts, worklets, and report sharing, and provide the ability to expose the report as a web service. No Legacy Term Aggregation Security Group A group whose members are other security groups. Workers associated with any included security group are granted access through an aggregation security group. No Legacy Term Allocation Allocations are used to efficiently distribute a resource to one or more worktags based upon predefined logic. Examples may include overhead/F&A/Indirect costs, employer paid fringes, office space utilization, etc. No Legacy Term Approve Designated participants in a business process, with a defined responsibility in this type of event, indicate they approve the proposed action. (The business process can proceed to the next step.) No Legacy Term Business Process Definition A predefined series of tasks necessary to perform a business function, including associated roles (users). No Legacy Term Business Process Instance A business process that the initiator has started. For example, the Hire Employee for Organization X business process definition becomes an instance when the initiator uses it to hire a particular applicant. No Legacy Term Business Process Security Policy A Business Process Security Policy secures the initiation step, step actions and process-wide actions including view, rescind, cancel and correct. It specifies which security groups have access to each action. No Legacy Term Cancel (business process) Canceling a business process will stop the workflow in progress and reverses any changes made to Workday data. It is also a securable action in a business process security policy. No Legacy Term Contextual Custom Report A contextual custom report is a custom report created by selecting Reporting > Create Custom Report from Here from the related actions menu of a Workday object . It simplifies the selection of data and fields by limiting choices to those related to the context of the object. No Legacy Term Correct (business process) Correcting a business process changes a step or data in the business process or workflow while in progress. It is also a securable action in the business process security policy. No Legacy Term Dashboard (landing pages) Several dashboards are delivered with a number of worklets (report-specific tiles), which are pre-configured to a specific functional area. No Legacy Term Dimension Some aspect of or perspective on data that users want to use as the basis for analysis. For example, for financial accounting, users can analyze revenue by customer, by channel, or by marketing campaign. For expenses, users may analyze costs by cost center or by project. Dimensions are usually created with worktags. No Legacy Term Domain A collection of related securable items such as actions, reports, report data, report data sources, or custom report fields. Each domain is secured by a domain security policy. No Legacy Term Drilldown Reports allowing users to view the underlying data. Appears when users click on a drillable element (in a table view or a column, line, or pie segment in the chart view). In certain reports, the user may also select details associated with the selected report element. No Legacy Term Driver Worktag Derive certain related worktag values within GA@WORK, such as grants and projects. No Legacy Term Enterprise Interface Builder (EIB) An integration tool that enables users to create simple, secure, and customizable integrations into GA@WORK. An EIB consists of integration system, an integration data source, and integration transformation and integration transport protocol. No Legacy Term Program A Program will be used to capture activities that may or may not have a unique budget and do not have a designated start and end date but needs spend (and potentially revenue) tracked for reporting and/or approval purposes. Programs may represent initiatives or ongoing activities, recurring or annual events, or one-time events. No Legacy Term Put (permission) An integration action that adds or changes Workday data. It is a permission that can be granted in a domain security policy. No Legacy Term Related (Inherited) Worktags Related Worktags may be used to further define reportable elements on a financial transaction and may be used to meet reporting needs. Some worktags may be associated with the driver worktag. These worktags will populate automatically (default) upon input of a driver worktag. No Legacy Term Rescind (business process) Rescinding a business process operates on completed business processes. It completely reverses all changes made to Workday data. It is also a securable action in a business process security policy. No Legacy Term Role-Based Security Role-based access is assigned to the position (and not directly to the user). No Legacy Term Securable Item Any specific piece of data, action, or report within the system that can be controlled through security policies. These policies determine who can access, view, or modify the securable item. No Legacy Term Subfield Additional details about a field, which are used when creating reports using Report Writer. An example is a master/detail relationship. No Legacy Term Subfield Additional details about a field, which are used when creating reports using Report Writer. An example is a master/detail relationship. No Legacy Term Target The object on which a business process operates. For example, for business processes that deal with an employee record, the target is the employee. For business processes that deal with a financial object, such as an accounting journal, the accounting journal is the target. Since the target determines the organization, it controls which business process custom definition Workday uses. No Legacy Term Temporary Report Created ad-hoc for specific, one-time informational needs. These reports address unique questions or data requirements arising on a temporary basis. They are not intended for repeated use. The temporary report will be automatically deleted by Workday after a predefined period (usually 7 days for simple reports and configurable on the advanced tab for advanced and matrix reports). This helps declutter the Workday tenant and avoids accumulating unused reports. No Legacy Term To-Dos To-Dos are reminders to perform a task in the GA@WORK system. To-Dos may be part of business processes and must be marked complete before the workflow will proceed to the next step on the business process. No Legacy Term Connector A set of one or more integration templates that provide a framework for building integrations in a particular functional area. The integration can support a specific type of data, or can support a specific endpoint. Examples include or Okta. No Legacy Term View (business process) Enables seeing and reporting on the status of a business process. This is a securable item in a business process security policy. No Legacy Term Worklet A compact report displayed as a "tile" on the My Workday page, providing easy access to tasks and information users may use on a regular basis. Examples include My Leadership Roles, Open Positions, and Anniversaries. No Legacy Term User-Based Security User-based roles are assigned directly to a user for administrative and setup tasks. Notification Notification An alert or reminder sent in Workday or via email to a specific participant to perform a task within a business process. Optional Chartfields Custom Worktags To capture additional data for reporting, control or reconciliation. Pre-Encumbrances and Encumbrances Commitments and Obligations Commitments and Obligations represent requisitions and purchase orders, which encumber the appropriate amount on a budget, and reduce the available budget for future purchases. Procurement Spend Categories
Category Account Cross Map
Spend Category A Spend Category provides a detailed view of what goods or services are being purchased. Spend Categories will be grouped into hierarchies for ease of reporting, will have their intended usage indicated, will be marked as trackable or non-trackable and will be linked with the appropriate commodity codes. Spend Categories are associated with specific expense accounts. Program Cost Center Hierarchy The cost centers will be grouped into Cost Center Hierarchies for reporting and budget control purposes as well as for security assignments. The Cost Center Hierarchies will match the legal level of budgetary control (by appropriated program). Prompt (reporting) Prompt (reporting) A Report Writer report can be defined so that it prompts the user for filtering criteria when they run the report. Report prompts can also be "built in" to a data source. Quick Invoice Create Supplier Invoice Request Request for payment for goods or services that do not require a purchase order (e.g., registrations, payroll, utilities, etc.). Receiving Create Receipt Confirmation of receipt of goods or services performed. Requisition Create Requisition Request for a purchase of goods or services. Related Business Object Related Business Object When defining a report, fields that return objects related to the primary business object are said to contain related business objects. These related objects may have their own set of fields that can be included in the report as well. Report Simple Report Users may create three types of custom reports: simple, advanced, and matrix. A simple report provides straightforward design options for the beginning or occasional user to create reports quickly and easily. Role-Based Security Group Role-Based Security Group User permissions that define ability to perform tasks, access reports, and use business processes. Security Group Predefined Security Group Workers are assigned to the predefined security groups through a business process. These groups cannot be changed except by reversing the business process or executing a new business process, such as applying for a position, or being hired. Examples include: Employee, Contingent Worker, and Applicant. Security Group Security Group A collection of users, objects that are related to users. Allowing a security group access to a securable item in a security policy grants access to the users associated with the security group. Security Roles Derived Roles Roles can be assigned to a user when he is given a responsibility within a functional area, such as HR partner or compensation partner for a particular organization. Users may have different roles in relationship to different organizations. For example, a user may be a compensation partner for one organization and an HR business partner for another organization. Security Roles Domain Security Policy A collection of related securable elements of different types and user-specified security groups that have access to elements of each type. Security Roles Drilldown Matrix reports enable users to drill down to see underlying data. When users click on a drillable element (such as a drillable field in the table view or a column, line, or pie segment in the chart view), a context menu appears that enables the user to select a new View By field. If the Enable Drilldown to Detail Data check box is selected on the Advanced tab of the report definition, the user may also select Details associated with the selected report element. Security Roles Event A transaction that occurs within an organization, such as hiring or terminating an employee. Security Roles Field (reporting) In a Report Writer report, a field contains data related to a particular primary or related business object. Security Roles Filter Sorts out undesired data, used when creating reports with Report Writer. Security Roles Functional Area A collection of domain or business process security policies that are related to the same set of product features. Examples include for example Benefits or Compensation. Security Roles Get (permission) An integration action that retrieves Workday data. It is a permission that can be granted in a domain security policy. Security Roles Home (landing page) The default landing page for the user if enabled. Security Roles Intersection Security Group A group whose members are other security groups. Workers associated with all included security groups are granted access through an intersection security group. Security Roles Initiation Step The first step of a business process. Security Roles Instance One unique occurrence of a business object. Examples include Executive Management organization, or John Doe, the worker. Security Roles Job-Based Security Group Includes one or more job-related attributes or objects including job profile, job family, job category, management level, or exempt/non-exempt status Security Roles Landing Page Displays a collection of different worklets to enable users to quickly view data and perform tasks. There are different landing pages and display formats (grid or wheel) to support different functions. Some common landing pages are My Workday, My Workday 2.0, All About Me, and My Team. There are other specialized landing pages, such as dashboard landing pages. Security Roles Location Membership Security Group A location membership security group is one whose members are any workers assigned to that location. Security Roles Matrix Report Users may create 4 types of custom reports: simple, advanced and matrix. A matrix report forms the founds for custom analytics. Matrix reports summarize data by one or two fields which contain repeating values. The resulting matrix is displayed on either a table or chart which users may drill through to see the associated details. Users control the specific detail data, and which may be accessed through drill down capabilities when defining a report. Matrix reports contain filtering, run time prompts, worklets, report sharing and other features. Security Roles Modify (permission) An action through the Workday user interface that can be permitted on securable items in a domain security policy. It includes view permission. Security Roles Organization Security Group A group whose members are any workers assigned to that organization. Security Roles Roles A group of people with specific responsibilities and permissions. When a business process runs, the role for each step includes all of the workers in that role in the business process target organization. Security Roles Segment A grouping of related securable items, such as pay components, that can be secured together using a segment-based security group for that segment. Security Set up Business Process Security Policy A business process security policy secures the initiation step, step actions and process-wide actions including view, rescind, cancel and correct. It specifies which security groups that have access to each action. Special Purpose Special Purpose The Special Purpose Code is used heavily by certain agencies to track various types of items. A custom organization for Special Purpose Code will be grouped into hierarchies for each type of code to be used by the appropriate agencies for their tracking and reporting purposes. Special Request Requisition Request Non-Catalog Items Request for goods and services not in a current Team Georgia Marketplace catalog. Speed Type Organization Assignment Default assignments of a company, cost center, fund or balancing unit on a worker's job/position. The associated organizations will default to costing allocations. Supplier Invoice Adjustment Supplier Invoice Adjustment A change to the amount owed to a supplier, which may be reflected as an increase or a decrease in the amount due. Task Task Requires users to perform a function or Task (the user must take an action such as approve, submit, or send back) to clear a Task Alert. User-Based Security Group User-Based Security Group Workers are defined as members in User-Based Security Groups. When used in a security policy, the group grants members access to the securable items. View only access View (permission) The ability to see objects or data through the Workday user interface, when permitted in a domain security policy. Voucher Supplier Invoice Supplier Invoices are vouchered in the Accounts Payable module and may be generated from a purchase order or supplier invoice request. Supplier invoices may require approvals generated through workflow. Web: Browser Supplier websites (punch-out catalogs) Connect to Supplier Website Request for goods from a directly-linked supplier’s website (e.g. W.B. Mason, Grainger, etc.).