Strategic Sourcing FAQs
What is the approval process?
GA@WORK Strategic Sourcing supports internal approval workflow within the organization as well as approvals that need to route to the DOAS State Purchasing Division (if over your delegated purchasing authority). More information will be provided as part of training. The system also supports collaboration among procurement staff members through use of the stakeholder function if desired. More information on this option will also be provided during training.
Will the system alert you if you miss a step and not allow you to proceed to next screen until completed?
If you are on a pop-up box menu, the system will require you to enter information on a required field before you can proceed. When you are preparing a draft sourcing event, you will be able to skip over required fields and save your progress. The system will track your progress (green check mark once a section is completed) and prompt you to go back and complete any required fields that you skipped before you are able to "submit" your draft sourcing event for posting.
Can you name attachments?
You can rename any of the file attachments that are automatically uploaded as part of using the RFx template within the system. Additionally, any files you upload yourself from your computer can be named based on your preference.
Will there be any virtual catalogs for non-Statewide Contract vendors?
At this time, there aren't any plans for non-Statewide Contract vendor catalogs to be added to the tool.
Does the system allow you to select NIGP Codes that end in 00?
Yes, currently, the buyer can select the NIGP code at the category level (ending in 00), however buyers are encouraged to select the more specific NIGP codes for their sourcing events. More instructions on this will be provided during training.
Is the Sourcing Request pulled into the bid event by the end user?
Yes. For those state agencies that would like to use the optional Sourcing Request feature, it is a great way to capture key information in the system that can then be used to create the Sourcing Event.
Will the system allow collaboration with other units (such as business owners/SMEs or legal reviewing documents), or will we use the download/upload new version functionality to replace documents in the system?
Yes, our new GA@WORK Strategic Sourcing Module supports collaboration with other system users. As one example, you can add individuals as Stakeholders to your Sourcing Event, and they would then be able to view the content of your draft event. You will also have the option to download content to share with team members outside of the system.
Is it easy to extend the event date and questionnaire date as needed, and can additional edits be made after an event is submitted?
Yes, the Buyer can easily extend the event as well as extend the questionnaire date. The Amend option is available to make any updates to the event.
Can the Buyer tell Suppliers the file names to use?
Yes, the Buyer can provide instructions to Suppliers, including any instructions about how to name file attachments.
Is a new version number provided when an event is amended?
GA@WORK Strategic Sourcing will track all of the revisions to your event. There is a "history" menu option visible to the buyer where there is a detailed tracking of all revisions. If you amend your Sourcing Event after it is published, a courtesy email will be sent to Suppliers alerting them if the Buyer makes an amendment to the event. The Buyer has the option to describe the revision that was made. New version you can see in history that the event was amended. Supplier also gets the amend notification.