Supplier Management FAQs

  • Does the system verify that the e-Verify number is valid?

    No. GA@WORK does not integrate with the e-Verify system.

  • Do all agencies have the opportunity to create a library that includes the contract documents they use?

    At this time, you can upload your document templates and make them available, however full library functionality will be expanded in the future. 

  • How would entities go about requesting contract request page(s) customization in the application?

    They would need to specify what custom fields should be added to the contract request form for consideration. 

  • Who are we expected to submit the contract request to?

    This will be determined on the agency level as it is not required. 

  • Will all procurement contracts be managed in GA@WORK?

    All contracts will be managed in GA@WORK. For contracts that need to be bid, a sourcing request will be completed.