Internal Controls
Everyone in the organization has a responsibility for internal controls. An effective internal control system is maintained by the diligence of every person, has many benefits, and provides reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that an organization’s objectives will be achieved. Following is the statewide guidance, templates, and other guidance relating to internal controls.
Internal Controls Guidance
Control Environment
Risk Assessment
Control Activities
Information and Communication
Internal Controls Submissions
Green Book
RA/CA and Control Environment Update and Certification (June 2023)
RA/CA and Control Environment Update and Certification (April 2022)
RA/CA Submission (April 2021)
Control Environment Submission (November 2020)
RA/CA Submission (April 2020)
RA/CA and Control Environment Certification/Resubmission (September 2019)
Control Environment Certification/Resubmission (October 2018)
RA/CA Certification/Resubmission (March 2018)
Control Environment Certification/Resubmission (September 2017)
Internal Controls Next Steps (May 2017)
Information & Communication and Monitoring Memo (February 2017)
Risk Assessment and Control Activities Memo (August 2016)
Introduction and Control Environment Memo (March 2016)
Internal Controls Memo (December 2015)
FMC Presentation (March 2024)
FMC Presentation (March 2023)
FMC Presentation (February 2022)
FMC Presentation (September 2021)
FMC Presentation (February 2021)
- Onspring RA/CA webinar (June 2020)
FMC Presentation - Onspring (March 2020)
FMC Presentation - Internal Controls and Audit Findings (September 2018)
FMC Presentation (February 2018)
FMC Presentation - Why (October 2017)
FMC Presentation (February 2017)
Risk Assessment and Control Activities (January 2017)
FMC Presentation (February 2016)