October 08, 2024
Oct. Newsletter: New HCM FAQs available
The NextGen Project aims to modernize the state’s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system by replacing PeopleSoft Financials and Human Capital Management with GA@WORK, a new cloud-based solution that will propel Georgia government into the forefront of technology and change the way we do business. Click here to learn more.
What's New

New HCM Frequently Asked Questions Available
Want to learn more about Human Capital Management (HCM)? A new set of HCM FAQs is available on the NextGen website!
The FAQs are derived from information collected from HCM Agency Preview Sessions, conferences, the NextGen inbox and the NextGen Change Network. The FAQs are easily accessible on the NextGen website and serve as an additional tool for users to learn more about GA@WORK.
To submit a question for the FAQ, send it to [email protected].

New video series highlights GA@WORK features
The NextGen Project recently launched a monthly video series to showcase the new GA@WORK system. Each video will be focused on a specific topic and will allow viewers to get a sneak peek into the GA@WORK system before training begins next year. These brief videos will be released on a monthly cadence from now through February.
To view the first GA@WORK HCM Video on Employee Self-Service click here.
What's Next
FIN/PRO Agency Preview Sessions registration deadline is Oct. 18
More than 300 people have registered for the Finance/ Procurement (FIN/PRO) Agency Preview Sessions! These sessions are an opportunity for Finance and Procurement personnel to see common finance and procurement processes and weigh in on the GA@WORK system.
The Project Team has been in contact with Agency Points of Contact (POCs), and finance and procurement leaders to help select agency attendees. If you are interested in attending one of the sessions, reach out to your agency POC or finance and procurement leaders.
As a reminder, those attending the Fiscal Management Council (FMC) conference do not need to attend the Agency Preview Sessions as the same content will be covered there. Note that registration for FMC is now closed. Agency Preview Session locations and times are listed below.
- FMC | Jekyll Island: October 27-30
- West Tower | Atlanta: November 12-13, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- Lanier Technical College | Gainesville: November 15, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- Middle Georgia State University | Macon: November 19-20, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- Virtual Sessions: December 3-5 and December 9-12
Some dates and locations may change based on registration numbers. Any schedule or location changes will be shared with those who registered.
Registration for the preview sessions closes October 18.
You Oughta Know
New advisory group to assist with agency communications
In September, the NextGen Project Team formed the Communications Advisory Group consisting of a select group of agencies and members who will provide the project team with agency-level perspectives on communications plans, messaging and best practices. This group will also ensure communications to agency end-users and employees are both effective and accessible and help to anticipate and address potential communication challenges that may arise during the NextGen implementation process.
HCM testing begins for select agencies
Testing begins this month with HCM Systems Integration Testing (SIT). SIT testing will involve a select group of individuals and agencies going into the system and verifying that processes, integrations and reports are operating as intended. SIT will occur in two cycles. The first cycle (SIT 1) takes place October 7 - November 1 with approximately 10 agencies, and the second cycle (SIT 2) will follow including all agencies. Cycle 2 dates are coming soon.
User Acceptance Testing (UAT) will follow SIT starting in January. UAT will afford agency end-users the ability to test the GA@WORK system using scenarios to assess its functionality and usability.
Stay tuned for more information on testing.
Data Validation efforts continue
Thank you to the Data Validation teams that have been working diligently to ensure agency data is accurate as full transition to the GA@WORK system nears! Below is a breakdown of where the teams are with HCM and FIN/PRO Data Validation.
• HCM Data Validation Round 3 ended September 30
• HCM Round 4 begins December 9
• FIN/PRO Data Validation Round 2 is October 7 - October 25
• FIN/PRO Round 3 begins December 2
Thank you to all the data validators and POCs for their collaboration in this effort.
Procurement planning underway for GA@WORK
The transition from TeamWorks to GA@WORK will have a significant impact on day-to-day procurement operations. In order to plan ahead and support entities through this transition, an effort is underway to work with procurement officers to gather sourcing pipeline information for the upcoming year and any anticipated procurements. More information will be shared with Agency Procurement Officers and College and University Procurement Officers in the next month.