NextGen FAQs
What is the NextGen Project?
The GA NextGen Project is the Next Generation ERP, a new, cloud-based software solution to replace the PeopleSoft TeamWorks system. It will be tailored to work for the state’s new remote workforce and offer streamlined, paperless processes and procedures. NextGen will offer more modern functionalities like online vendor bill pay, data monitoring that offers real-time analytics, a statewide learning management system and a streamlined contract management platform.
What is an ERP?
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a set of common business practices and a software system that implements core business practices across an organization. A complete ERP system combines business functions (finance, procurement, budget, payroll and HR) across an organization’s main resources – its people, money, information and assets – and provides decision makers with real-time enterprise information.
Why NextGen and why now?
By implementing a new cloud-based ERP solution and transforming the processes that support the state’s business, NextGen will help ensure decision makers have access to data that is accurate and timely, standardize common business processes across agencies and improve service delivery.
Business requirements have evolved over the past 20 years, and Georgia now requires modern services to meet those needs. The age of the current system has made it costly to maintain.
What are the advantages of moving to a cloud-based ERP?
Newer systems offer more business solutions and centralize services into one platform. A new system will provide an ease of workflow, ease of processing and standardized procedures across the enterprise. It will also open Georgia’s workforce to additional skilled employees who can support the system.
What are some of the benefits of NextGen?
- Single integrated platform to minimize third-party contracts and integrations with simplified data models
- Improved service levels will increase employee effectiveness by automating manual processes
- A new user-centric design that will be intuitive and enable efficient access to information by multiple device types
- A modern talent management platform that will help the state attract and retain skilled labor via centralized tools for recruiting, onboarding, performance reviews, succession planning, career development and learning management
- Increased information security through implementing security best practices to ensure compliance with industry, state and federal regulations to protect the privacy of employees, workforce and stakeholders
- Enhanced reporting and workflow automation with self-service capabilities and built-in analytics that will enable leadership to spend less time finding numbers and more time on strategies and solutions
- Modern records storage by moving paper processes to a digital format, eliminating unnecessary and manual processing of physical paper
Is the NextGen project supported by the governor and general assembly?
How much money has been allocated to this project from the state budget?
The SFY 23 budget provides $50 million in funding for the NextGen ERP project.
Who provides oversight to the project?
Project oversight is provided through the Technology Empowerment Fund Committee, Georgia Technology Authority and NextGen Executive Sponsor Council. For more information on project governance, click here.
Will my agency be able to participate in the NextGen project?
All state agencies are invited to participate in this project. To get involved, email us at [email protected].
How will any changes be communicated to my agency?
Changes will be communicated first through your points of contact, leadership and the subject matter experts your agency identified as well as through the NextGen Change Network. Additionally, regular newsletters will be disseminated to those same groups with monthly updates on the project. Once the software is closer to the implementation phase, system users will be informed about the new system through a myriad of communications that may include emails, flyers, newsletters, webinars, etc.
What is the project timeline for NextGen?
The timeline for the NextGen project is expected to span about four to five years. For detailed steps of the project timeline, click here.
What is the new go-live date for the Human Capital Management (HCM) and Payroll functions of GA@WORK?
The go-live date for the HCM and Payroll functions of GA@WORK has been moved from April 2025 to October 2025. This change is to align with the go-live date for the Finance and Procurement functions of the system.
Why did the go-live date for HCM and Payroll get moved?
The shift will alleviate the need for interim integrations between GA@WORK HCM and the current TeamWorks application. It will also allow for more in-depth testing to make sure agency and third-party integrations and requirements are being met.
How will the training schedule be affected by the new go-live date?
HCM Training Delivery will be rescheduled to align with Finance and Procurement Training later this year.
Will there be additional testing due to the new go-live date?
Yes, an additional round of User Acceptance Testing (UAT) will be scheduled.
What changes will occur regarding payroll comparison activities?
An additional payroll compare cycle will be scheduled.
Will there be any changes to the cutover activities?
Yes, a full dress-rehearsal of cutover activities, known as Mock Cutover, will be scheduled.
Will the HCM User Acceptance Testing (UAT) schedule change?
No, HCM UAT will continue as scheduled, starting January 13, 2025.
Is there any change to the Finance and Procurement Systems Integration Testing (SIT) schedule?
No, Cycle 1 of FIN/PRO Systems Integration Testing will continue as scheduled, starting January 13, 2025.
Will the FIN/PRO Data Validation schedule be affected?
No, FIN/PRO Data Validation will continue as scheduled.
Timekeeping: Who can I contact if I have questions about timekeeping?
Email us at [email protected] and include the word “timekeeping” in the subject line of your message.
Timekeeping: Why do we need to track time spent on the NextGen project?
This is a requirement for preparing statewide reports, including the State of Georgia's Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR). The ACFR is prepared based on reporting Standards issued by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). GASB recently issued Standard 96 relating to Subscription Based Information Technology Arrangements (SBITA), that establishes uniform reporting requirements for SBITAs. Time tracking will allow the State to calculate the true cost of implementing our new cloud-based Enterprise Resource Planning system and meet the SBITA reporting requirements.
Click here to download more details on timekeeping rules and regulations.
Timekeeping: How do we track our time for the NextGen project?
Agencies that complete timesheets using the TeamWorks Time & Labor system, will create the following Combo Codes in the system for their employees to designate their hours spent on NextGen activities. (Note: Additional Combo codes can be created in each category, but at a minimum these three categories must be used)
Timekeeping Combo Codes
Screen Shot 2023-02-17 at 1.53.13 PM.pngAgencies that do not use the TeamWorks Time & Labor system, can use the spreadsheet templates provided below.
Employees will use this document to report any hours spent on the NextGen project.
Organizational Summary Template
Each organization not on TeamWorks Time & Labor, will use this document to compile the data from the Individual Timesheets submitted for their organization. This summary document must be submitted to the State Accounting Office at least quarterly.
Timekeeping: Who in my organization can I contact to learn about my agency’s NextGen timekeeping measures?
The NextGen Project Team has reached out to each agency’s designated Point of Contact (POC) to ensure timekeeping measures have been implemented and communicated to affected employees. To contact your organization’s POC, click here.
Who can I contact if I have more questions?
You can email the NextGen mailbox with any questions at [email protected].