March 10, 2025

March Newsletter: Project Team launches GA@WORK Resource Library

The NextGen Project aims to modernize the state’s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system by replacing PeopleSoft Financials and Human Capital Management with GA@WORK, a new cloud-based solution that will propel Georgia government into the forefront of technology and change the way we do business. Click here to learn more.


What's New

The new GA@WORK Resource Library is here

GA@WORK is replacing TeamWorks in October, and to better prepare users for this transition, the NextGen Project Team is excited to introduce the GA@WORK Resource Library. It provides access to tools, videos and checklists to help all employees get ready for GA@WORK. The GA@WORK Resource Library will continue to be updated with different resources as we get closer to go-live. 

The Human Capital Management (HCM) video series and monthly Agency Readiness Checklists are currently available on the GA@WORK Resource Library. Additional resources such as a Training Support Center – which will include materials to help users learn more about training -- and toolkits, organized by HCM, Finance, Procurement, Manager, and Employee areas will be added soon. 

Reach out to [email protected] with any questions. 

Image or GA@WORK Resource Page


Get a sneak peek into managing your profile in GA@WORK

The next video in the GA@WORK HCM Video Series has been published! The video highlights Profile Management and provides a sneak peek into how employees can update their personal and contact information.

To view the Profile Management Video, click here.

Screenshot of Profile Management video thumbnail

Finance and Procurement videos are coming soon, so be on the lookout for more information. 


Check out the latest updates to NextGen Project Glossary and FAQs 

Recently, the NextGen Project Team made updates to the NextGen Glossary and FAQs.

The GA@WORK Glossary is designed to help users match and define terms from the TeamWorks system to their equivalent in the GA@WORK system. New terms, updated definitions and a new stand-alone Procurement section have been added to the GA@WORK Glossary and can be found here.  

The team also added Finance and Procurement FAQs covering topics around Supplier Contracts, Banking & Settlement, P-Card and much more. There are now four FAQ categories: General Project, GA@WORK System, HCM, FIN/PRO. 

The new FIN/PRO FAQs can be found here


What’s Next     

Get up to speed with all things Testing

  • The first round of Finance/Procurement System Integration Testing (SIT) wrapped up Feb. 28. 
  • The second round of Finance/Procurement SIT began March 10 and runs until April 4. 
  • Next up is a round of Adaptive System Integration Testing, which involves subject matter experts from 15 agencies. It starts April 21 and finishes May 16. 
  • Planning is underway for Enterprise User Acceptance Testing (UAT), which combines Finance/Procurement and Human Capital Management. It is expected to begin in June.  

We appreciate all the testers for their diligence and hard work to make GA@WORK easier to use! 


Security Preview Day set for April 9

On April 9, the NextGen Security Team will host a Security Preview Day for all Agency Security Partners and Security stakeholders. This is an opportunity to review the role mapping process, see system demos, learn security roles and responsibilities, and get familiar with system navigation and more in GA@WORK. 

The next round of Security Role Mapping activities for GA@WORK will begin in April. This round will be a combined effort that includes both HCM and FIN/PRO and will involve mapping the security roles in the state’s new ERP system to the specific employees who will execute the steps of various processes. 

Information about role mapping and registration for the Security Preview Day are coming soon.


New Payroll Tax Service update

In January, the state brought on Automatic Data Processing (ADP) to handle payroll tax services for agencies currently using TeamWorks payroll. Now, the project team is reaching out to Agency Heads, HR Directors (HRDs) and Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) to complete next steps. 

On March 5, an email went to HRDs, asking for help identifying any employees who conduct work outside of the state and validating their home addresses. This is important to determine if additional tax jurisdictions need to be established for payroll tax compliance purposes. Responses were due March 21.

Next, a communication will go to CFOs to complete three forms to finalize the onboarding process with ADP.

Any questions regarding the new ADP Tax Services can be sent to [email protected].


You Oughta Know  

 Agency Procurement Teams: Update your data 

Procurement professionals: Please ensure your agency’s data is up to date. Refer to the table below for what should be included in the review. 

  • Ensure all cardholders have an employee ID listed in Bank of America’s Works.
  • Reconcile transactions each month in time for timely payment. Pay monthly statements in full each month and pull in any unused credits or other items to be sure the statement is being brought to a zero balance. The only exception to this would be current disputes.
  • Close out all active p-card purchase orders with a PO Date of 90 days or greater. Run 0PO204A Query to identify purchase orders not fully liquidated but reflect a cardholder’s card.
  • Reach out to [email protected] if you have questions about closing these POs.
  • Update contract administrator contact  
  • Update contract expiration date (enter an expiration date and set contract to approved or closed) 
  • Update contract status (set contract to approved or closed) 
  • Validate Supplier Postal Code 
  • Validate Supplier Duplicate Names/Addresses 
  • Validate Bidders Duplicate Tax IDs (FY 2023 & before) 
  • Visit the Supplier Update page for details
Purchase Orders
  • Review buyers on purchase orders to see if any are inactive. If yes, change the buyer to an active buyer.  
  • Review Prior Year Open POs (FY 2020 & before) 
  • Review POs with NIGP codes ending in “00” and replace the NIGP codes. 
  • Validate Group IDs in Error Status
Accounts Payable
  • Review Unpaid Vouchers FY 2020-2023


Accounts Receivable
  • Review, validate and remove Duplicate Names / Address 


Strategic Sourcing
  • Review Partially Awarded/Unawarded Events (FY 2023 & before)

Thank you to everyone who has participated in data validation and data cleanup to date. 


Don’t forget about important NextGen Project activity dates 

Table of NextGen Project activities and due dates



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