ACA Basics

  • Q1: What are the in-scope Agencies/Populations included in these services?

    A1: Agencies/entities that utilize both TeamWorks (PeopleSoft) for payroll and participate in the State Health Benefits Plan (SHBP) and DFCS.

  • Q2. What is a large employer?

    A2. The ACA requires employers with 50 or more full-time or full-time equivalent employees to offer full-time employees affordable healthcare coverage.

  • Q3. For ACA, what is considered a full-time employee?

    A3. Please refer to the Download this pdf file. DOAS ACA Questions and Answers Bulletin , Section 2 – Eligibility. Additional information is also available in the IRS and Other Resources section.

  • Q4. What is the Look Back method?

    A4. Please refer to the DOAS ACA Questions and Answers Bulletin, Section 3 – Look-Back Period. Additional information is also available in the IRS and Other Resources section.

  • Q5. Which exchange does the state use?

    A5. The State of Georgia participates in the federal marketplace.

  • Q6. How does an employee know if the healthcare provided via SHBP is affordable?

    A6. All health insurance plans offered through SHBP meet the minimum essential coverage requirements.