Human Resources
The Human Resource module provides agencies with the ability to:
Hire, rehire and terminate employees
Record and historically maintain employment data
Maintain personal and demographic data on employees
Maintain information regarding employee performance evaluations
Generate numerous reports regarding the status of the workforce
Establish new positions or inactivate existing positions no longer utilized
Assign and modify the Job Code and working title of positions
Maintain position business operation data such as FLSA status, SCOA Type, organizational reporting, etc.
Query personnel data to access and summarize a wide variety of employee data and statistics.
The following automated processes have been implemented to assist agencies:
Annual processes to update HR, Payroll, and Benefits records to reflect salary increases effective January 1st of each year as specified by action of the General Assembly, the State Personnel Board, or the governing authority of individual agencies
Mass Department Number changes when necessary to reorganize large numbers of employees within an agency or to move employees between agencies when required by legislative or gubernatorial action
Annual process to copy each agency’s Department Budget Table as a preliminary step to beginning each new state fiscal year.
All Job and Position transactions entered in the HCM System require the selection of an Action Code and a Reason Code. These codes are used to describe the type of employee or position action being recorded. Selection of the proper combination of Action and Reason is vital for accurate reporting of actions that transpire in the course of an individual's employment in government in the State of Georgia.
It is frequently desirable or necessary to generate companywide or statewide summaries of personnel or position activity in state government. Accordingly, the
Codes Manual
has been created to assist in insuring consistency in the usage of these codes and in the ability of all users of the HCM System to accurately interpret information displayed in personnel and position records.
This publication is not intended to establish or supersede any federal or state law or regulation or any company human resource policy or policies nor is it intended to create or grant any employment rights or privileges not otherwise established in law or policy. Those employees covered by the Rules of the State Personnel Board may have rights not indicated in the descriptions of the Action Codes and Reason Codes described herein.
Determining appropriate effective dates for transactions is also critical to the correct usage of the HCM System. Proper date selection assures accuracy of payroll calculation and the ability to create query results truly reflective of HR activity.
for Transaction Effective Dates
document has been created to augment the Action Reason Codes manual. It provides instruction for determining appropriate effective dates for the most common types of Job, Pension, and Position transactions. Specific examples are provided to assist the user in properly applying the guidelines to everyday transaction activity.
The Action/Reason Codes Manual and the Guidelines for Transaction Effective Dates should be used together to facilitate proper transaction entry.