Frequently Asked Questions
In reviewing the Annual Reporting Error Listing (TX xxx900 Report), we are noticing a few common errors. In order to minimize these errors in the future; here are a few tips that should help you when correcting FICA status when refunding taxes and paying out deceased employees.
Correcting FICA status
FICA status should be first corrected in Job Data using the effective date of hire or FICA status Change.
Process a reversal adjustment for the check(s) that were incorrect. If more than four (4) periods are affected, contact HCM Support.
Do not over ride tax information on the pay line. Doing this only adjusts the tax and does not correct the taxable wage.
A refund check will be available the next day for the refunded tax.
Deceased Employees/DEC processing
Processing a check for a deceased employee is done in two steps. First, a check should be processed paying the beneficiary, the estate or surviving spouse. Second, process a manual check using the DEC earnings code for the amount of Federal and State Taxable wages that should be reported on a 1099MISC rather than a W-2.
Refer to the following documents below for further instructions on processing checks for deceased employees:
When an employee transfers in, is rehired or has an add employment record entered, the gaining agency must review the following areas to insure that the employee record is correct:
Additional Pay - Review the additional pay earnings codes and verify that they are authorized for your agency and are of the correct amount.
Direct Deposit - If your agency does not offer direct deposit, review the direct deposit panel and inactivate the top row if one exists with data.
Employee Tax Data - Carefully review all panels in this group. The system automatically copies the data from an existing agency to the new agency. For example: If the employee was Exempt from State Unemployment in the losing agency and is covered in the gaining agency, you will need to "Un-check" the box on State Tax Data 2. Also, pay special attention to the percentage boxes on Federal Tax Data 1 and State Tax Data 1 and remove any percentages that are not appropriate for the employee. In addition, if the employee has not filed a W-5 with your agency, you may need to change the radio button to Not Applicable on Federal Tax Data 2.
General Deduction Data - review the general deduction codes and verify that they are authorized for your agency. Also, verify that any general deduction overrides are appropriate for your agency.
ERS Pension Consolidation Panels
In order to help the payroll offices with the reconciliation of ERS pension information, access has been given to the Pension's Consolidation panels for Earnings and Contributions. Those employees which have access to the PayLine in the Payroll office and those which can update the Pensionable Earnings Panel can view the new panels.
To access them:
Benefits, Enroll in Benefits, Pension plans.
Please download examples of the panels:
If you have any questions concerning these panels, please contact ERS. Access to these panels is effective immediately.
Tax Information
Please review this information regarding employees filing a W-4 with an exempt from federal withholding tax status and employees filing a W-5 claiming the Advanced Earned Income Credit (EIC).
TAXxxx103 Report (W-4 Exempt) lists employees who claim "Exempt" status from federal withholding tax and is sorted by Company, Mail Drop, and employee name.
A new W-4 must be filed if the employees listed on the TAXxxx103 report wishing to continue claiming the exempt status from federal withholding tax. When entering the new W-4, access the Federal Tax Data 1 panel (Go, Compensate Employees, Maintain Payroll Data U.S., Use) click on the scroll bar, insert a new effective dated row and set the radio button from "Notification Sent" to "None" and SAVE. An error will occur if an attempt is made to set the radio button "New W-4 Received". This particular TeamWorks functionality is not being used at this time.
TAXxxx113 Reports (W-5 EIC) lists employees who claim "Advanced Earned Income Credit" (EIC) and is sorted by Company, Mail Drop, and employee name.
A new W-5 must be filed if the employees listed on the TAXxxx113 report wish to continue claiming the Advanced Earned Income Credit. When entering a new W-5, access the Federal Tax Data 2 panel (Go, Compensate Employees, Maintain Payroll Data U.S., Use), click on the scroll bar, insert a new effective dated row and set the radio button from "Notification Sent" to "None" and SAVE. If an attempt is made to set the radio button "New W-5 Received" an error will occur. This particular TeamWorks functionality is not being used at this time.
New Federal W-4 form (video: recorded webinar) (19:43)
W-4 Form - Webinar Questions and Answers
If there are any questions concerning W-4 or W-5 entry, please call the SAO HRMS Helpdesk.